Reportage illustration of Times Square, New York City, on Canson pure white paper. Client: Canson, for an advertisement in Juxtapose magazine
Reportage illustration of Times Square, New York City, on Canson pure white paper. Client: Canson, for an advertisement in Juxtapose magazine
Intiland calendar | Brown Fox Studio
Illustration for the monthly “Ask Smithsonian” question column. The question, why do so many major train stations share the same name? For Smithsonian magazine.
Milan arcade. Client: Hyatt Gold Key
Flatiron Building, New York City
High Line, New York City
The High Line, New York City
The High Line, New York City
Union Square, New York City
Shanghai Shopping Center. Created with Mental Canvas. Client: Microsoft
The Grand Canal of Venice: busy and elegant, and full of gondolas. Drawn on location with pen and ink.
A vendor sells food for the pigeons to the tourists in St. Mark’s Square, Venice. Drawn on location with pen and ink, watercolor, and oil crayon.
One of many charming squares in Venice, Italy. Drawn on location with pen and ink.