Mass Construction - Studio 1482 Illustration

Mass Construction

Mass Construction | Dominick Santise

It seems hard to imagine life anywhere in NYC these days without walking under scaffolding, around a barricade, or in this case through a cage. Pedestrians herded from one end of the block to the other and then looped north, south, east, west and north again just to cross the street. Inside the cage on the corner of 94th a dump truck is literally closer to the building it is pouring the dirt in front of than the cars that used to park along the street before the construction began. The backhoe hangs in front of the window. I find it hard to think that this is what the sushi-eating patrons of the restaurant on the corner want to watch as they eat, if patrons are lucky enough to find the front door and get in. I look forward to the new T line, but as always I hope the balance of old and new remain so that the neighborhood keeps its persona. The stretch along the construction has had its fair share of rotating tenants. Bars, bodegas, pizza dives (Antonellas, replaced by Donor Kebap and now vacant again) and restaurants have all tried and failed at staying. The demographic has changed slightly in the past few years, but it seems unlikely it will do enough to maintain the few decent places that have been making their stand in their current quarters.

NJ Web Design: Media Climb