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Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza

Wine & Spirits

I was asked to created an extensive series of illustrations for Wine & Spirits magazine for this month’s special issue on the “Art and Science of Wine Tasting”, including the cover! The only downside was I had about 5 days to do it. Sometimes, if I am available, it is my favorite way to work. Job comes in, focus on it and work constantly until it’s finished…and in just a few short days I’m on to something else.

Anyway…my assignment was to create a series of illustrated montages of wine tasting sessions and to combine the tasters with the colors and elements that make up the particular wine they were tasting. Whether it be the region the wine is from, the ‘notes’ in the taste of the wine, or how the wine is aged, etc., etc.,…I had to create harmonious visuals. I was also asked to illustrate portraits of all of the wine tasters. That was especially fun. I’ve included a few of my favorites below.

And lastly, for the cover I was directed to write out different descriptive words to fill a wine glass. I really loved that idea and think it makes a striking cover. Thanks to Mike at W&S for working through this tight deadline with me.

I’d love to hear what you think!

Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza

Tree of Life | Greg Betza

Guitar Aficionado

Tree of Life | Greg Betza

An amazing illustration commission came to me about a month ago. I was asked to illustrate a story about a 100 foot tall Honduran Mahogany that has become a legend to guitar makers. The tree was found and felled nearly 50 years ago, but it fell in a ravine and could not be extricated. 16 years later it was rediscovered, purchased, and it’s figuring and pattern (in the grain of the wood) were discovered. Long story short, the wood became legend. It’s tone was beautiful, its look, incredible, and people pay top dollar today to find any wood still available from this one tree. Read the article, it’s really interesting…

This illustration is a double-page vertical spread. Can’t wait to see the print version!