Tag Archives: New York


Welcome to Armchair Travels, an invitation to travel around the world through the reportage illustration of Studio 1482.We have gathered art from our travels to share with you in the hopes that, while you can’t get out and see these places (yet), our experiences may bring some happiness and light to your day. Please check back often as we will be posting new adventures weekly.

Enjoy Times Square, NYC by Greg Betza…

Times Square, that section of midtown New York City that has been referred to as the “Crossroads of the World”amongst other things (both favorable and not so much). It is a place that many native New Yorkers avoid at all costs and yet it is a not-to-be-missed destination for all tourists.

As a New Jersey native that spent a great deal of time in New York City, I have a certain fondness for Times Square, though I completely understand why you’d want to avoid it as well. What a contradiction!

Get me outta here!

Speaking of contradiction, could there be a place more antithetical to our current “new normal”? To think of the thousands of people that would traverse the area each day; have it reduced to a near ghost town in a matter of weeks. Chalk that up to things I’d never thought I’d see.

It was the masses of people that first brought me to Times Square to draw. It was a challenge. So many people, so much movement, even more personality. The architecture, the advertising, the lights! To learn to capture and tell that story was a lesson so important in my development as a reportage artist and illustrator. Here are a few early attempts.

Trips to draw here gave me the full sensory experience. Ears assaulted by honking horns, indiscernible shouts, tourists asking for directions…, music, discernible expletives, and of course, the pigeons!
The smells. Oh boy. From hot garbage in the summer, to the constantly wafting smell of something frying from the endless row of chain restaurants.
And watch your step, the garbage cans often overflow!
Now while this may sound horrible, it is what makes Times Square unique and as an artist you need to take it all in…the good and the bad, to tell the truth with your reportage. And despite all of this (and there is more) people flock here anyway and stay awhile. As did I, many, many times.

On a more positive note, looking up and around when you are here is inspiring. On the surface it can appear a soulless theme park devoted to consumerism, but if you can get past that tired and overused criticism, Times Square is home to so many visions realized. As a student of advertising I love to see the campaigns compete with each other publicly. How each brand approaches this space and how they utilize technology to bring their message to the masses is truly impressive. It’s a constantly evolving gallery.

One of the last times I spent a long day drawing in Times Square was back in 2010 when Mayor Bloomberg closed several sections to traffic, allowing the area to become more pedestrian friendly. I remember it was a very peaceful day, the people seemed to enjoy the space more than they had in the past and I believe I noticed more native New Yorkers hanging around that day too :)

Live the InterContinental Life Animations

For the past few months I’ve been teasing this project on my Instagram and I’m so pleased to finally share it. I was commissioned by Smith Creative Labs to illustrate 3 short animations for the InterContinental Hotel Group’s Live the InterContinental Life campaign.

The animations were based on podcast interviews which told stories of empathy, worldliness and fascination and were recorded in London, Beijing, and New York City. Smith and animator Mark Bellncula were incredible partners to work with, granting me a tremendous amount of creative freedom and support. I couldn’t be any happier with how the animations turned out.

I loved that these pieces were created in a mostly traditional way, using sequential hand made drawings and paintings. Some of the longer panoramic drawings were so long that I had to work on my floor…and my floor became my desk! Whatever works.

I did my best to document the process of creating the animation art which I’ve included below. I appreciate you taking the time to look!

Pose 1


Large scale thumbnail drawing
Large scale thumbnail drawing
My floor/desk
My floor/desk

greg-betza_ihg-7 greg-betza_ihg-5

Many hours hunched over the light box!
Many hours hunched over the light box!

greg-betza_ihg-8 greg-betza_ihg-9greg-betza_ihg-11greg-betza_ihg-10

chop chop chop
chop chop chop
Panoramic drawing of the kitchen
Panoramic drawing of the kitchen
My wife and I enjoying a drink
My wife and I enjoying a drink



In Dylan Town Cover | Greg Betza

Bob Dylan Cover

In Dylan Town Cover | Greg Betza

Last year I attended a Bob Dylan concert at the Beacon Theatre in New York. I made a few drawings, and David Gaines, the author of a new book on Bob Dylan, saw one of the drawings which I had posted on One Drawing A Day and asked if he could use it for the cover!

As a fan and admirer of Dylan, I could not be happier that I made those drawings. Here is the book, a display at BookPeople in Austin, TX and a few more drawings from that dark evening in New York. Thank you David and Iowa University Press.

In Dylan Town Cover | Greg Betza

In Dylan Town Cover | Greg Betza

Bob Dylan | Greg Betza

Bob Dylan | Greg Betza

Bob Dylan | Greg Betza

Bob Dylan | Greg Betza

Bob Dylan | Greg Betza

Tree of Life | Greg Betza

Guitar Aficionado

Tree of Life | Greg Betza

An amazing illustration commission came to me about a month ago. I was asked to illustrate a story about a 100 foot tall Honduran Mahogany that has become a legend to guitar makers. The tree was found and felled nearly 50 years ago, but it fell in a ravine and could not be extricated. 16 years later it was rediscovered, purchased, and it’s figuring and pattern (in the grain of the wood) were discovered. Long story short, the wood became legend. It’s tone was beautiful, its look, incredible, and people pay top dollar today to find any wood still available from this one tree. Read the article, it’s really interesting…

This illustration is a double-page vertical spread. Can’t wait to see the print version!

Sketching The Line | Greg Betza

Sketching The Line

I’m honored to be included in the Canadian ART IN TRANSIT show “Sketching The Line”, an exhibition of reportage drawings made while of commuters and subway-goers.
Back in 2007-8 I took advantage of my time on NYC subways by drawing anyone I could. For practice, yes, and because I just love to do it. I find that the older I get, my career and the opportunities presented to me all seem to fall in line with my interests. A lot can be said about continuing to “do what you love”. Do the work that you want to do and that work will continue to find you. If you’d like to see more of my drawings from the commute, click here

Thank you to Sharon for organizing the exhibition.

More about the show from their website:

“An international exhibition of 78 sketches drawn by 13 artists from around the globe, features brief impressions of fellow commuters that document place, time and movement while simultaneously revealing a myriad of personal moments.”

Sketching The Line | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

As many of you know, I designed and illustrated the animated commercial for the 2014 NHL Stadium Series. Yesterday I was fortunate enough to witness the action first-hand. I thought it would be great to draw from the actual event…so I did. I have to say it wasn’t the easiest event to capture, with temperatures in the low 20s to high teens, my hands didn’t always do what I had ‘instructed’ them to do (I think they were partially frozen). But all in all I’m happy with the small reportage that came out of the day. There were more than 50,000 fans in attendance and with the absurd amount of clothes they were wearing, it was packed tight in that stadium. And I’m happy to report, the cold did not temper the ‘creative’ language common to most hockey fans. And with the added tension of the NJ Devils hosting the NY Rangers, in New York, the love affair between the two states was on display, constantly!

It was a GREAT event, and thank you to Let’s Talk Tickets for getting me great seats.

There is another game Wednesday evening at Yankee Stadium and for those of you in the mid-west, the final game of the Stadium Series will take place in Chicago on March 1. I highly recommend it.

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

NHL Stadium Series Animation!

Happy New Year everyone! I couldn’t be more excited to share my latest commission with you…an animation for the inaugural games of the National Hockey League’s Stadium Series! It will air for the first time on New Year’s Day during the Winter Classic on NBC.

From the time I became interested in illustration as a career I have wanted to work in film and motion. I used to experiment with video and animation and I’ve worked as a storyboard artist and concept designer, but I had yet to put my stamp on a project until this opportunity came my way late last year.

When I received the call from NBC Sports naturally I was excited, but when I found out it was for ice hockey, I could not believe it. I have been a life long fan of hockey…I even play (street hockey) every Sunday.

I’d like to thank Lorin and Lindsay and the whole team at NBC Sports for having the creative vision to do something DIFFERENT on national television, and for allowing the creative vision to come to life. I would also like to thank the members of Studio 1482 for their support, and  fellow Studio 1482 member Despina Georgiadis for her brilliant work with the art direction and storyboards.

Last but not least, a special thanks to J.J. Sedelmaier, who worked as the animator on the project. His professionalism, experience, and sense of humor made the process seamless and enjoyable from the first frame to the last.

Below are some shots of the process and the animation. You can also view the animation on YouTube and Vimeo.

NHL Stadium Series Animation from greg betza on Vimeo.

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza


NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Early storyboard frames of action

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Early storyboard frame

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

From table to wall to floor. Repeat.

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Coming together!

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Key frame color exploration

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Key frame color exploration

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Working on a Wacom Cintiq 22HD

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

The “PERFECT” sequence

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Yankee Stadium key frame

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Dodger Stadium key frame

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Drop em’ in!

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Rangers vs. Devils key frame

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial

Happy 4th of July! In the spirit of the day, I’d like to share a job I worked on for BP’s (Beyond Petroleum) Team USA campaign. Late last year I was called to do work on some storyboards for a film production house out in Brooklyn. When you do this type of job,  you never really know if what you draw will see the light of day. So you can imagine how thrilling it was to see my drawings come to life on TV this past week. The commercials for the BP Team USA campaign have begun airing as the 2012 London Olympics approach. I’ve spent some time today watching the videos and profiles of the athletes, and their compelling stories made me a proud supporter of their goals. I wish them and Team USA all the best this summer.

If you’d like to see more of my storyboard work, click here the storyboard studio.

Here are a few drawings and their corresponding live action shots:

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

BP Team USA Commercial | Greg Betza

Varoom Magazine Reportage Drawings | Greg Betza


Varoom Magazine Reportage Drawings | Greg Betza

I was pleased to be asked to contribute my reportage drawings to VAROOM! magazine. The publisher Derek was looking to feature illustrators that reportage live music and he was a fan of the drawings I made of Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks last year. Here is a post about that show.

VAROOM! is a great illustration based magazine so check out their website and support the cause!

The Art of Urban Sketching | Greg Betza

The Art of Urban Sketching

The Art of Urban Sketching | Greg Betza

I’m pleased to announce my inclusion in the Quarry Books release “The Art of Urban Sketching“. It’s a great book filled with many incredible artists, including fellow Studio 1482 members Veronica Lawlor and Margaret Hurst. The book is based on art created for the international sketching blog Urban Sketchers.

I’d like to say a special thank you to author/artist, and Urban Sketchers founder, Gabi Campanario for all of his hard work in putting this book together.

I hope you’ll pick it up at your local book store or online at quarrybooks.com

The Art of Urban Sketching | Greg Betza

The Art of Urban Sketching | Greg Betza

Robb Report Illustrations | Greg Betza

Robb Report Illustrations

My latest series of illustrations are for the Robb Report Private Aviation Sourcebook. I had a lot of fun reading about luxury airlines and the extravagant perks that are offered to their clients. I was asked to illustrate a gourmet meal (at a beautiful, private table!), a suite for your dogs, and an on board marriage proposal. Wow.

Robb Report Illustrations | Greg Betza

Robb Report Illustrations | Greg Betza

Robb Report Illustrations | Greg Betza

Breaks in the Armor | Greg Betza

Breaks in the Armor

I’m pleased to announce that Merge Records will be using my reportage drawings of Crooked Fingers as the artwork for the upcoming album “Breaks In The Armor”. This is an honor for me as I’ve been a fan of both Merge and Eric Bachmann (Crooked Fingers) for years and have always respected their music immensely. In fact, I basically grew up on their music. For me this is an incredibly fulfilling commission and I just can’t wait to hear the album. Check out the trailer for the album HERE.

Thanks to Eric and Maggie.

Breaks in the Armor | Greg Betza

The High Line | Greg Betza

The High Line

The High Line | Greg Betza

I spent some time in NYC a few weeks ago and I had a chance to visit The High Line. The High Line is a park above Manhattan’s west side. Originally an elevated freight railroad line, it was converted into a public park and opened in 2009. It has a really interesting vibe and a totally different feeling from anywhere else I’ve been in NYC.

The High Line | Greg Betza

The High Line | Greg Betza

Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza

Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery

Those of you familiar with PowerPoint are well aware of its history of artistic limitations. So when I was asked last month to create original designs for a PowerPoint presentation, I was thrilled to hear that Microsoft is working to change people’s perception of what PowerPoint can be. I was one of six artists to participate and I think everyone did a fantastic job bringing a fresh look to such an important application. Check out the design gallery here and download the presentations for free!

Below is the chosen title slide as well as 2 additional designs that I created for presentation. I’d love to hear which is your favorite.

Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza