Tag Archives: design

RESEARCH: Thomas Jefferson University

When Greg Betza received this commission from Thomas Jefferson University to contribute to their magazine he was excited as he’s always been drawn to butterfly imagery and the idea of metamorphosis, but that was not at all what this was about. Butterfly disease is a devastating disorder that often leads to an aggressive and fatal skin cancer. People who have this rare genetic condition have skin as fragile as butterfly’s wings because their bodies do not make enough collagen to hold the layers of their skin together. This leads to painful blistering and ultimately cancer. Most patients do not live to the age of 35.

Fortunately this article was not only about the disease, but the promising research into a therapy to treat the disease. You can read the article and see more of Greg’s illustrations here: RESEARCH: Thomas Jefferson University

Jazz illustration

Columbia Magazine-Jazz

A few months ago Greg Betza was contacted by Len Small over at Columbia Magazine. He always wanted to work with Len and this was a really fun collaboration. Len had the idea of integrating actual photos into the illustrations, and Greg really liked the potential of doing something different like this.

The article he was asked to illustrate was a celebration of 20 years of the Louis Armstrong Jazz Performance Program at Columbia and the founder/leader of the program Chris Washburne.

Read the article here on the Columbia website.

Jazz illustration

Chris Washburne

illustrate a jungle scene for the LA swimsuit designer Palmela G | Despina Georgiadis

Coincidental Illustration

Last year I was commissioned to illustrate a jungle scene for the LA swimsuit designer Palmela G. It was, and still is, being used as the splash page on the company’s website, and looks like this:

illustrate a jungle scene for the LA swimsuit designer Palmela G | Despina Georgiadis

Since sketches rarely see the light of day after the job is done, I thought I’d let mine out and share with everyone.

First, I made some line sketches. Followed by the color versions. Sometimes I like to manipulate the sketches in the computer for the thumbnailing/sketching phase. I like the happy accidents that happen, and welcome the change of pace.

I think I like them better than the final. Ssh… Sometimes that happens. ;)

Pamela G Sketch | Despina Georgiadis Pamela G Sketch | Despina Georgiadis

Pamela G Sketch | Despina Georgiadis Pamela G Sketch | Despina Georgiadis

Pamela G Sketch | Despina Georgiadis Pamela G Sketch | Despina Georgiadis

But the craziest thing about this job is what happened a week before I got the call for an illustration of “a jungle scene that HAD TO include vines, a monkey, a bird, a snow leopard and tropical flora”. I was at the Museum of Natural History with my son. We sat in the Rainforest room that’s right next to the room with the whale. So, RAINFOREST and JUNGLE are basically the same thing, right? Anyway, we sat in there for a long time. And we drew, and I made the following drawing:

Pamela G Rainforest Sketch | Despina Georgiadis

Crazy right?????

Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza

Intiland 2013 Calendar

Happy New Year everyone! I’m excited to share a great commission I received late last year. I was asked to create 13 illustrations (12 months, 1 cover) for the Indonesian real estate firm, Intiland’s, 2013 calendar. Each illustration had to feature an Intiland property and have a lifestyle concept based on the property. It was challenging, and I actually did the job twice in 2 slightly varying styles (I’ll post some of those illustrations at another time), but in the end, the client was very happy and I’m really proud to have been asked to create this body of work for them. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza Intiland 2013 Calendar | Greg Betza

Gulfshore Business | Greg Betza

Gulfshore Business

It’s been a while since I worked for Gulfshore Business, but last month I was asked to create 2 illustrations for an article about tourism. The first dealing with ‘culinary tourism’ and the second, ‘medical tourism’. Basically, Florida tourism is being driven by food and healthcare! You can read the article here.

Gulfshore Business | Greg Betza

Gulfshore Business | Greg Betza

Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza

Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery

Those of you familiar with PowerPoint are well aware of its history of artistic limitations. So when I was asked last month to create original designs for a PowerPoint presentation, I was thrilled to hear that Microsoft is working to change people’s perception of what PowerPoint can be. I was one of six artists to participate and I think everyone did a fantastic job bringing a fresh look to such an important application. Check out the design gallery here and download the presentations for free!

Below is the chosen title slide as well as 2 additional designs that I created for presentation. I’d love to hear which is your favorite.

Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza Microsoft PowerPoint Design Gallery | Greg Betza

illustration by greg betza

Diana Broussard Illustrations

Diana Broussard 2
I recently came across an old client’s new website, Diana Broussard, and I was proud to see some of my illustrations displayed. Diana is a wonderful lady and a great shoe designer. Back in (I believe 2000), Diana was looking for an illustrator to help her with a promotion to launch her new brand. The promotion was a deck of ‘playing cards’, each with one of Diana’s shoes on it, illustrated my way. The samples below, and on her site, are 2 of the designs from the deck. It was one of the most unusual, and pleasurable jobs I’ve worked on.
Diana Broussard 1